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Thursday, 10th of July
    After the passing of the front and the night rains the morning sky is quickly invaded by massive columns and the entire racing field rushes to the starting point at Stará kopa. In the meantime, slight drizzle is starting at Donovaly.

    This time the wind at the top of the hill is truly weak and forces Kamil Konečný, one of the participants, to make a forceful run at the start. But the cloud cover is getting gradually thicker and in the distance, above the ridge of the Low Tatra Mountains, the first showers are beginning to appear.

 Peter Hvôrka and his girlfriend

    The announcement of the 50 kilometre discipline to Polomka is proceeding at a very fast rate today, with the participants being rushed into the forest, with the starting window not being opened till 12:45 p.m. Jaroslav Jandúch, Júlia Briatková and Juraj Čiernik make an immediate start, whereupon the strengthening wind is spoiling the others' appetite fot flying.

 Jaroslav Janduch is taking off

 Julia Briatkova in the air

    Then, in the strong wind, an unfavourable angle and within sight of the starting point, Jaroslav Jandúch and Juraj Čiernik are making great efforts to get over the trees in order to land in the valley without injury.

    "The window is suspended, the participants can fly!" calls out one of the organisers and the window is suspended for half an hour due to strong wind. What follows is a long wait and the Polish fall asleep.

 Slovak pilots

    Shortly before 3 p.m. the sky draws closed, with a shower fast approaching from the north-west. Most competitors are quickly packing up their stuff in the strong wind and scurrying off down through the forest to the parking lot to their cars. At 3 p.m. racing for today is definitely called off and the pessimists are beginning to recall out loud the events of Victoria Cup 2000, when the exceptionally unfavourable weather resulted in not a single discipline being successfully completed.


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