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Day 2 (August 18)
    The second day is still favourable for the Italian team (base of 3600mt with thermals at +7 mediometre). Ciech, who takes off at the first start at 13:40, runs like a hare to the goal and nobody will be able to reach him; he wins the task. Only Manfred and Oleg are faster of 2 and 1minutes, but this does not worry Christian seen that they took off at the 2nd start at 14:00. Manfred reaches the 12th place and Oleg the 20th.

    Behind Christian we find Gordon Rigg (Litespeed S), Alex Ploner (Laminar MR14) and Robert Reisinger (Laminar MR14). Excellent performance also of Davide, Tullio and Pippo, who all reach the goal with the group of the first start. Only Federico lands a few kilometres after the take off. The Italian team wins the day and recovers ±200 points and is near to the French team who is still on the 2nd place. Today 99 pilots out of the 111 participating reached goal.

 Photo Flavio Tebaldi

 Photo Flavio Tebaldi

Manfred Ruhmer's comment:
    This day started for me with a nearly landing already before the start gate. We were the last pilots who flew from the ridge into the plateau, which at this time was in shade, and we got really low there and had to stay quite a while in a 0 or very weak lift.

    Therefore it was not possible for me to take the first start. Afterwards we got up and I was in a good position to take the second start. I was very happy that I was able to make the 2nd start.

    On the way there were no problems and I reached the fastest time. But without early bird - and early arrival points it was not enough to win the day.


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