Sunday 26/10
"Kon nichiwa!" (pronounced konichiua) I greet with my learned phrase funny Japanese journalist Tetsuo Kogai at the breakfast - he is packing his staff and going back to Tokyo already. He has been here in Ölüdeniz for the first time, enjoyed it a lot and wants to come back again next year.
The sky is clear again from the dawn and before eight o'clock in the morning first pararagliders are taking off from the lowest launch in the altitude of 800m. The temperature is about four degrees lower than yesterday, but the air humidity has risen up to 68%. Shortly after nine are huge clouds being created above the surrounding mountains and thanks to the higher air humidity are the cloud's bases making up even in the heights of 1000m. The sea is also much rougher today than in the previous days.
The cloud formations are getting much bigger before noon, all the range of Babadag is disappearing in the dark clouds and the flying is over. In the air are coursing just motor hangliders and the paramotors. Only here and there is some sporadic daredevil coming flying from the lowest launch. The Turkish favourite Meryem Akar shows jump from the motor hanglider from the height of bare 100m and Tomá Lednik is showing again his free style flying man in clothes similar to Batman's.
The wind is getting much stronger on the coast in the afternoon and the only discipline in which it is quite possible to compete in, is to fly with starting up from the stony path, through the beach and against the wind, and reach the sea. The boys from the WalkerJet are packing their paramotors because of the strong wind and take out the controllable kite. Arif Kemal Buhara was announced as a winner of the acrobatic competition, the competition Cross Country was unfortunately not finished due to the contrary conditions during the last days of the festival.
The warm sand is finely toasting my back and the yeasty sea is sending colossal waves to the coast. The white water foam is gliding from the sand up to my legs and I have to shut my eyes before its gorgeous brightness in the afternoon sun. The little boat imbedded close to the shore is being lifted up and down funnily, in an even rhythm and the wind from the sea is nicely wet and muggy. It's a really hard work to write these reportages ...
My final thanks goes to the main organizer "Cloud 9 Café" whose owner Kadri Tuglu has kindly provided my accommodation in a LykiaWorld and who, as usually, has let me getting anywhere I needed. More information about the festival will be available on the familiar web pages And in fine some few personal observations:
the organization of the festival is much more sophisticated in all the respects, the organizers have evidently gained and used their experiences from the previous years
the market in the neighbourhood village has got bigger and the amount of shoppers and picture's hunters with camera has risen up as well
in the centre Ölüdeniz is much more little shops and they "live" more with the streets, the business is probably going fine
the neighbouring apartments in LykiaWorld are interconnected with double doors - you open one and see the other, but they must be opened from inside the second apartment, so you can walk through only when there is a kind of "common interest"
the most beautiful girls are not only in Izmir, as David Bzirsky used to say two years ago, but also in much nearer yard of LykiaWorld
So next year see you again here, on the coast of Mediterranean sea in a Turkish little town of Ölüdeniz, on the fifth international flying festival, in the end of October.