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Wednesday, August 14
    The sky has been hopelessly overcast since morning and a noticeable shift in thinking is visible with most of the Czech racers, in expectation of more non-competing days. Instead of planning flight courses, they are thinking out loud about which direction to head in returning to flooded Prague. An hour after the morning briefing, half of them have already packed their cars and are definitely leaving the village of Lopej and this year's Podbrezova Cup Race.

 After briefing

 In Brezno town

    Today is declared the fourth non-competing day and the alternate program includes a visit to the castle of Slovenská Lupča, which belonged until recently to nuns and was virtually inaccessible, so no one really knows what they'll find inside. For those suffering from strong withdrawal symptoms, a truck is waiting in front of the lodgings for a ride up to the starting ground of Čierťaž and for the possible take off from one of the launch ramps. Thanks to the fan-effect in the shelter of the Low Tatras, it's windy today, but no rain. Futility…!


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