Thursday 22.7.04
Unfortunately delicious cherry buns cooked carefully by housemother in Penizon Kukacka last midnight have no influence to gray faces of some pilots this morning. The weather forecast is very bad and what's more there is nothing which could affect most of pilots this morning. Nevertheless the decision is to go up to the top of Cerna hora hill where a probability of thunderstorm is slightly lesser today after all and size up a meteorological situation on the spot.
The sky becomes overcast from a western side at 11 a.m. and although a light wind blows in required direction a sunshine can be seen hardly ever. A free flying is proclaimed after more than one hour waiting shortly before 1 p.m. and while some nameless pilots, drunk by yesterday's victory, fall asleep with a respite on a bench, the others take off and hurry to land 15 minutes later. A heavy rain is quickly comming from the southern side. And that's why there is no change in a total ranking after today.