Sunday 22.05.2005
After yesterday's evening party, which went on late night, I have breakfast
in Pension Kukacka alone this morning. No problem for me, I used to have it
always alone at home but it looks rather strange among 17 plates prepared and
18 empty cups (Stepan Srycek will probably have a tea only). Seven members of
Hollman's family fill a half of the room at half past eight at last and noisy
Pavlina Herberova alis Tyda fills the rest of the empty room completely a
cuple of minutes later.
"What was solid, is not solid now," one of young and hopeful pilots describes
his runny stool and torn clouds move on the sky outside the window after a morning shower. An expected
fast development of clouds before a front passing forces organizers to hurry
today and a queue of pilots can be seen at a down cableway station under
Cerna hora at eleven o'clock already.
"A cloud is huge it'll be foul weather. What is more huge but what is more huge? A
boot of Pacejka!" a well known couple Vrb&Habr hums and 35.6km long discipline is declared at noon. Strazne is the first turning point, Hoffmanovy boudy the second
and the goal will be at the landing zone under Plane at Svaty Petr, the same as it was yesterday.
Mads Syndergaard opens today's taking off immeditaly after the start window opening at half past noon and the first large group of pilots rises up to a height of 300 meters above the taking of point fifteen minutes later. A continuos cloud formation comes near from the southwest side and all pilots are in the air during the only one hour. Of course, except of Renata Kuhnova who roots for everybody waving her new crutch while sitting on a tree stump at last.
Even if the sky is completely clear at three o'clock the southwest wind grows stronger sadly and in contrast to yesterday neither repeated takes-off bring any advantage. Frantisek Pavlousek becomes the winner of today's task after landing on 17th kilometer, the second Ales Koci flew 400 meters shorter distance and Petra Krausova landed one kilometer back. Frantisek Pavlousek leads in overall ranking after this day again, Petra Krausova moved to the second position and Jan Kupka is the third.
"I will not go home today, I'll get married in three weeks and I'll stay at home all days long afterwards," some pilot from Usti finds a logical reason why to stay and participate in the next evening party and a cork of the first bottle of wine flies out.