Saturday 6.08.05
The same way as during the previous competition in Italy an extreme heat reigns in Portugal at a foot of Serra de Estrela mountains, 300km from the capital of Lisboa. Sadly, driving up to a taking off zone to make training flights brings no decreasing of the temperature. And what is more, an omnipresent dust penetrates through every slit.
While some pilots try local thermals in the hot air up to a height of 3000m, a great banquet is prepared in headquarters with fruit, cheese, beer and wine.


Certainly, no banquet can't take place without a roasted pig, fireworks and good music all night long. A group of Czech and Slovak pilots, who came a bit earlier and occupied the best area (Czech House) in a campsite, can't be absent naturally, let alone Polish people.
Organizers have installed two live webcams with a very short refresh interval of one second in headquartes and at a taking of point. Thus everybody can watch any movement, indeed.